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August 18, 2024 -Gossip and Slander

ESTHER 1:1-3:15

1 CORINTHIANS 11:17-34

PSALM 35:17-28

PROVERBS 21:19-20

1 Corinthians 11:17 In the following directives I have no praise for you, for your meetings do more harm than good. 18 In the first place, I hear that when you come together as a church, there are divisions among you, and to some extent I believe it.

I just got done listening to a pod cast about "giving up gossip and snuffing out slander". (Links below) Now I don't know what the original text says but this sounds like there is some gossip going on in the Corinthian church. It feels like Paul could be saying, "Rumor has it that when you come together as a church, there is division among you, and to some extent I believe it." Gossip in a church is the greatest and most common source of division because we all do it. We may not realize we're doing it but at some level we all have. When gossip takes a stronghold in a body it will make our meetings more harmful than good. Gossip is often hidden in a prayer request. If the person you are talking about did not ask you to put out a prayer request then it's gossip especially if it is something seen as negative. I try to evaluate my words and motives to keep from gossiping but sometimes I catch myself starting to share something that I shouldn't be. Especially in areas of everyday life my husband is the most frequent target. The podcast convicted me that I gossip about my him when I "vent" about things that bother me. I love my husband and want to encourage him and build him up but in certain situations it is easy to fall into the trap of talking badly about him. And sadly it's not always behind his back but to his face which I think is worse because it brings him down.

This is one of those sins that I need my family and friends to help me to recognize. If you ever think that I am stepping into the path of gossiping please tell me. Don't wait. Do it right then. You could just say "I'm beginning to feel uncomfortable about this conversation." Or "Maybe you should keep this to yourself." Or whatever seems right. I welcome the accountability. Please.

Psalms 35:19 Do not let those gloat over me

    who are my enemies without cause;

do not let those who hate me without reason

    maliciously wink the eye.

20 They do not speak peaceably,

    but devise false accusations

    against those who live quietly in the land.

Gossip is when we talk badly about someone behind their back. When we are talking about them we are maliciously winking the eye and propagating hate without reason. We should not be looking to be like an enemy to anyone. In fact we are to care for, pray for, and bless our enemies not devise false accusations about them. Which is slander.

Slander is when gossip becomes lying words to degrade the person the gossip is about. We need to be a body of people who are only looking to build each other up not criticize and tear each other down. So that there might be something praiseworthy in us.

Check out the Living Water Podcast. I love how God is using the "Living Water Podcast" to help me and give me confirmation for my "Living Water Blog". He is so cool like that. We have a such and awesome God.

Spotify Podcast Link - Living Water Podcast

Living Waters Podcast Website Link

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