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January 30, 2024 - Humble Servant

Exodus 10:1-12:13

Matthew 20:1-28

Psalm 25:1-15

Proverbs 6:6-11

Matthew 20:26 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

This is such a beautiful picture of humble servitude. We had our women's conference this past Saturday and we talked about Praise. How praise is recognizing How great He is. When we praise God with all our hearts it leads us to worship. I find worship is a place of humble submission to God. Where I recognize my need for Him and my heart surrenders my will to His. Jesus lived His life loving and serving others. He demonstrated His servant nature in many ways. One of great impact on the disciples was washing their feet. Then in the garden of Gethsemane Jesus asked for the cup of sacrifice to be taken away from Him but He was also surrendered to the will of the Father. Then He gave the greatest act of service when He gave his life for all. This should be our hearts. Humbly surrendered to the Father and willing to respond to His will. Responding with a servant's heart to every opportunity that He gives us to care for others. Being willing to put our lives figuratively and physically if called to on the line.

Psalm 24:9 He guides the humble in what is right

    and teaches them his way.

I pray for a humble heart. And this weekend I was so greatly humbled in the presence of God as I witness Him working in around and through all the women at our conference. Many people had come to me to thank ME for the event and tell ME that I did a great job, and I couldn't receive it. I appreciate their intention of wanting to express their encouragement and gratitude, but it was not I who deserved any of it. I am amazed every year of what He does and how He takes a few normal ordinary women who are humbled to His will and works through us to touch the lives of many others. He places every person there that needs to be there and teaches us His way that we might have the words that He would have us say and do the things that He would have us do. I thank God for the event as He is the one who called us to do it. The work is His and He is the one who does a mind blowing, breathtaking job EVERY time. The only words of affirmation I want to hear would be that someone is praising God as they see Him working through me.

Thank you, Father, for your divine intervention in the work of our conference. Thank you, Jesus, for your teaching on how to love and serve others that we may be able to serve the women who attended. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for your powerful presence and work in the hearts of every person that was there. You are our great and glorious God. May your Spirit lead me in all ways.

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Denise Baker
Denise Baker
30 de jan.

While reading exodus today, it hit me a little differently. When Moses kept going back to Pharaoh and asking for him to let him and his people and livestock go, and pharaoh tried to bargain with him several different times. Even after each plague…so hard hearted.

I thought this is sometimes what we do when God asks us to do something… something that we find arduous or heavy we will subconsciously or consciously say OK Lord if I do this much will this be enough or if I help these two people or not these 10 would that be OK, I’m stressed. If I give part of what asking and if you are loving God that should be plenty. ho…

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