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July 14, 2024 - Good Company

1 CHRONICLES 16:37-18:17

ROMANS 2:1-24

PSALM 10:16-18


1 Chronicles 17:1 After David was settled in his palace, he said to Nathan the prophet, “Here I am, living in a house of cedar, while the ark of the covenant of the Lord is under a tent.”

Nathan replied to David, “Whatever you have in mind, do it, for God is with you.”

But that night the word of God came to Nathan, saying:

“Go and tell my servant David, ‘This is what the Lord says: You are not the one to build me a house to dwell in.

David's heart to build God "a house to dwell in" was an honorable thing to do. It seemed like a good idea. So much so that Nathan the prophet agreed with him. But God had other plans. We can do the same thing today. There are things that sound like a good thing to do. Honorable and kind even. But if it is not done in God's timing and in His ways, it will not succeed. I am an idea person who likes to make things happen and there have been times where I have had an idea for a ministry, or group and my heart truly was to glorify God, serve others and benefit the kingdom but they have failed or at least not been as successful as I would have liked. I have come to trust that in those situations either my timing or way was off or maybe what I was trying to accomplish was not what God was going to do. Maybe I was just setting up the groundwork for something else like David did for the Temple. So when things don't turn out the way you would like don't get angry and frustrated you are in Good company. Just do as David did and praise God!

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