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  • brooks16055

June 16, 2024 -Fear Him & Do What is Right

1 Kings 15:25-17:24

Acts 10:24-48

Psalm 134:1-3

Proverbs 17:9-11

Acts 10:34 Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism 35 but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.

I love this message! Not only does it give me the comfort in knowing that I as a non-Jew am still saved by Jesus it also reminds me that all those who are not like me are also able to be saved by Jesus. This is an important message for the who church to live by and love by. Anyone who fears the Lord and does what is right by giving their lives to Jesus are reconciled to God and received into the kingdom. So as the church we need to welcome everyone to come and learn about Jesus. Even those who are living outside of God's will. I find it interesting that he does not say anyone who believes in Jesus he says anyone who "fears him and does what is right". I see this as confirmation that if you have truly put your faith in Christ then you would have a heart that wants to please Him. That would mean that you are trying to live in obedience to Him. So as a church we need to welcome everyone because anyone can be saved. And as individuals we need to examine our hearts and minds. If we are professing Jesus as Lord then we need to fear the Lord with a reverence that makes us want to please Him. So, if there is an ongoing sin in our life we need to repent from it. Also, if God is calling you do do something like He did to Cornelius and to Paul, even if it sounds kinda crazy, do it. That is what it means to fear God and do what is right.

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