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June 27, 2024 -Be Contagious

2 Kings 10:32-12:21

Acts 18:1-22

Psalm 145:1-21

Proverbs 18:1

Psalm 145:4 One generation commends your works to another;

    they tell of your mighty acts.

They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty—

    and I will meditate on your wonderful works.

They tell of the power of your awesome works—

    and I will proclaim your great deeds.

They celebrate your abundant goodness

    and joyfully sing of your righteousness.

We are to commend the works of God to the next generation. As a mom and youth group leader this is a firm command in my heart and mind. We should not hold back on any opportunity to "speak of the glorious splendor of [God's] majesty". We should "meditate on [His] wonderful works." And "tell of the power of [His] awesome works". "Proclaim [His] great deeds." As well as "celebrate [His] abundant goodness and sing of [His] righteousness". These are all ways that we can commend His works to other generations. One generation to another means that it is not just my generation to the young but the younger to the older. When we do this we encourage one another in worship and praise. There have been so many times when the young people in youth group amaze me in the ways they see God and talk of His wonderful deeds.

Psalm 145:10 All your works praise you, Lord;

    your faithful people extol you.

11 They tell of the glory of your kingdom

    and speak of your might,

12 so that all people may know of your mighty acts

    and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.

One of my favorite times was when one girl came running in for a meeting and she was super happy and excited. She grabbed my arm and told me to hurry up and go with her. She was jumping up and down giddy with excitement and it made me excited to see why. We ran outside and she pointed to a beautiful sunset and was all look, look, look what God has done, extoling how magnificent God is. When we express the greatness of God we should be giddy with excitement. When we are, others will get excited to see why. We want "all people to know of [God's] might acts and the glorious splendor of [His] kingdom."

So, no matter who you are talking to someone your age, younger, or older, believer or non beliver let your praise and wonder of the greatness of God be evident, exciting and joyful as it may be contagious.

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