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March 10, 2024 - I Do Know Him and You Should Too

Numbers 14:1-15:16

Mark 14:53-72

Psalm 53:1-6

Proverbs 11:4

Mark 14:72 Immediately the rooster crowed the second time. Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken to him: “Before the rooster crows twice you will disown me three times.” And he broke down and wept.

We are in the middle of Lent and it is good to be reading the story of Jesus arrest and crucifixion. May these reading prepare our hearts minds and souls for the season we are in so that we do not deny Jesus. The world we live in has condemned Jesus and removed Him from the public square. Those who do not believe in Jesus are more than happy to celebrate Christian holidays but they deny Christ in those holidays. Easter is about bunnies and candy, Christmas is about Santa and presents. I have nothing against bunnies and candy or Santa and presents as long as we put Christ before those things.

We are often given opportunities to speak of our relationship to Jesus in the world and we don't. I can think of a few times when I had done something for someone that they asked, "why would you do that?" There was one time I was at a fast-food restaurant waiting for my food and it was taking an exceptionally long time and while I waited a man came in with beat up clothes and a backpack. He had $1.10 he was counting out in his hand and ordered something from the dollar menu. When my food came, I also bought a gift card for the store and on my way out gave it to him and said here this is for you and as I walked away, he shouted out "Hey, why would you do that?" In all honesty I don't remember the exact words I said to him, but I do remember driving away thinking that I should have said "Because that is what Jesus would do." or anything that would point him to Christ. But I was surprised by his question and said something not even close to Jesus. It was like because I want you to have it or something similar. I think that the world has so thoroughly engrained in everything that we should keep our faith to ourselves that it is not the first place we go to when put on the spot. I have no desire to conform to the worlds standard and if I had not been taken by surprised or had time to stop and talk to him (I was now running late because of the long wait for food) I want to believe that I would have said something about my faith and Jesus. Instead, I was surprised by the question, so I just spit out whatever words came to my mind. I didn't deny Him directly, but I had an opportunity to affirm Him in my life and I didn't. I think that is a way that we can deny Him. I pray that by thinking about this and remembering these situations and putting it in writing it will make me much quicker on coming up with words that will direct people to Christ and affirm Him as Lord of my life in this Godless world that so desperately needs more Jesus. Lord make me bold to tell people that I do know you and they should too.

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