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March 21, 2024 - Lipstick on a Pig

Numbers 32:1-33:39

Luke 4:31-5:11

Psalm 64:1-10

Proverbs 11:22

22 Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout

    is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.

I was curious about why someone would put a ring in a pig's snout. The American Mini Pig Association website gives this explanation.

Nose rings have been used for many years by a small number of hog farmers to control the pigs in their care. The theory is that a metal ring piercing through the most sensitive part of a pig’s body, the snout, will reduce rooting, damage to landscaping, and lessen escape attempts.

These rings were not made of gold. Putting a gold ring would be a foolish waste of something of great value. The world may find value in a person's appearance, but God finds value in a person's heart and character. This can include our outward appearances of our actions not just our physical appearance. We can put on a great show for the world that would be considered beautiful but if our hearts are not right and our motives are selfish we are of no value to the kingdom. A gold ring that would demonstrate a person's value would be wasted on someone who has no discretion because of a selfish heart. Makes me also think of the phrase about putting lipstick on a pig. This phrase is referring to making a superficial or cosmetic changes to a product in a futile effort to disguise its fundamental failings. It also applies to people. For example we can be generous with giving to people in need but that is putting lipstick on a pig if that money was made by immoral means or if the motivation behind the giving is only for a tax break or to get some acknowledgement or recognition.

Our character is the source of our beauty and value and the most beautiful and valuable character there is a Christlike character.

Lord give me discretion and discernment to have a character that brings you honor and glory. Amen!

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Denise Baker
Denise Baker
22 mars

Love how God speaks to you. Especially in readings where our human minds may stumble to find meaning or application.

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