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March 3, 2024 - Without a Doubt

Leviticus 27:14-Numbers 1:54

Mark 11:1-26

Psalm 46:1-11

Proverbs 10:23

Mark 11:22 Then Jesus said to the disciples, “Have faith in God. 23 I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart. 24 I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours. 25 But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins, too.”

This links back to yesterday's post. Having Faith in God and the power of God living in that faith makes all things possible. And as I was saying yesterday, "But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart." Doubtless faith is not easy! Yesterday the Lord did take most of the pain away and I was able to work but I still had nausea and a sense of the headache wanting to come back with stiffness and pain in my upper back that could trigger the headache at any time. Maybe my faith was not fully doubtless or maybe He had a good reason for leaving that discomfort linger. When I got home I also told my husband about the experience and what God had done. Which led him to offer to do what he could do to help me with massaging my back neck and head which took the rest of the pain away. Today my headache is gone and so is the nausea and I thank God for that and the opportunity to tell my coworker, my husband and anyone that He brings to my blog to read about it and I look forward to telling anyone else who will listen. I thank Him for allowing my husband to respond with a loving servants heart and join Him in helping me. I am not sure of why it was not instantaneous or complete yesterday but God does. Maybe it was to help me to remember the depth of the pain I had come from so that I could remain faithful and thankful. Just as sometimes I need to be reminded of the depth of sin I have come from to remember to be faithful and thankful for the glorious gift of salvation that He has given me. This brings to my attention the last part of these verses. "But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins, too.” I think today I need to spend some time thinking about what grudges I might be holding against others. And I think I need to start at my workplace. God is so good, so great and so powerful. I am so thankful for your healing Lord and ask that you reveal to me where I need to forgive and change my heart from unforgiveness to love. If someone were to ask I would say that I am a very forgiving person but today I see that I have been holding grudges at work and maybe that is why my prayer was not fully give a yes. Facing the truth of my heart on these things will not be easy but I also thank you that I am never alone. If I can but remember to come to You in faith without doubting You will fight my battles for me.

Psalm 46:7 The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us;

    the God of Israel is our fortress.

In fact you can dispatch and entire army of angles to my aid. Thank you!

With today being my Sabbath again, after reading and picking out my scripture I spend some time listening to and singing some songs and read some other devotionals. There is one email that I get every day that I do not read every day. But when I do it always hits home in some way. It starts with a prayer which many times I only read the prayer and this one sure hit home.

I am sharing the text below but here is a link if you would like see some of the links and additional deeper study links and resources. I Hope it works that way.

Here is the prayer I will share my thoughts in Yellow


Good morning Toni, here is today's prayer...

Dear Heavenly Father,

You are the Almighty God.

Thank You for creating me and for Loving me.

Today I am grateful for my body, which You have given to me... AMEN! are the temple of God......the Spirit of God dwells in you...1 Corinthians 3:16

I need to continue to take good care of my body. Eat right exercise go to the doctor regularly. Also thankful for the massage I have scheduled for today in perfect timing.

Thank you for dwelling in me.

I ask for Your blessing, health, healing and agility. He has blessed me with all these.

May I be a good steward of my physical body, taking care of and having respect for Your creation of me. It can be difficult to remember to do this thank you for the reminder.

Today I lift up those who are suffering from illness, injuries and wounds, please give them faith for Your healing in their lives... I have seen and heard of some many people that I know suffering from injury illness and disease lately. So much so that even my husband has commented on it. I pray this for all of them.

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see Hebrews 11:1

Please increase my faith in You.

I desire to have complete faith in You Lord. Complete faith has power as in Mark 11 above.

Increase my faith that You heal, my faith that You restore and my faith that You will deliver us from pain and suffering. As the man who asked for his son to be healed in Mark 9 "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief" sometimes we need to have our faith restored.

Thank You for Your healing and Your blessing for today.

In the powerful name of Jesus I pray,


If you don't see the connection then go back read yesterday and today again lol. Today I also read the devotional that is after the prayer. Another worthy read and great refocusing today.

Reflecting on the Names and Nature of God

Jesus: The Lord Who Is, Who Was and Who Is to Come

I am . . . the Lord who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty. Revelation 1:8

Jesus is the Lord Who Is, Who Was and Who Is to Come. He is eternal, without beginning and without end. This description reflects Jesus’ preexistence. He lived before being born as a baby in Bethlehem. From eternity past to eternity future, Jesus is the eternal God. You can trust Him with your life, for He has always existed; He knows all about you; He knows your trouble; and He knows your need.

Lord, I know You helped people in Bible times, because You lived back then; help me today. I believe You are eternal.

Jesus will not change the way He relates to His own. The writer of Hebrews declares, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). He will do for you—and all believers—what He has done in the past. He can’t change His nature, and He will not change His mind. Jesus can be to you today what He has always been in the past. Moses said, “From everlasting to everlasting, You are God” (Psalm 90:2). Before time began, He was eternal God; after time on Earth is finished, He will still be God. You can trust His promises and His care.

Lord, I am blinded by my self-absorption; help me fully see Your love and care. I am human and frail; help me look beyond my doubts to clearly see Your presence in my life. When I only see my needs, help me to see Your eternal nature and to worship You. Amen.

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