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March 2, 2024 - Your Will Be Done

Leviticus 25:47-27:13

Mark 10:32-52

Psalm 45:1-17

Proverbs 10:22

Mark 10:51 “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked.

“My Rabbi,” the blind man said, “I want to see!”

52 And Jesus said to him, “Go, for your faith has healed you.” Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus down the road.

Today I woke with a terrible headache. Usually when I get up and move it goes away but today it had grown increasingly worse. The worse it gets the harder it is to relax the muscles that need to relax to relieve the pain. The harder it is to think clearly. Then the nausea sets in. I know the power of God and have experienced His healing hand in my life. I know that complete faith in His ability to heal is required to receive that healing. I also know that His will for me to be healed is also needed. Today in the distraction of the pain, fog brain and nausea I did not come to God in faith but in pleading for relief. I did it in belief that He could if it is His will but not in faith that He would. That is such a difficult thing to do. Pray in faith that He will but to also accept that it will be done according to His will. Today reading this in the midst of my pain and prayer I saw that the blind man had faith and Jesus did heal him because it was His will and I began to think why? Was it because it was in the presences of all those who were watching that would see His power and hear of the importance of faith in Him. Was it because He knew that the man would then follow Him? This changed my prayer to trust and also include a willingness to tell others about my faith and what He has done for me when He does heal me. Very soon after that the pain began to ease. I was able to finish my bible reading and get some other work done. When my coworker came in, I was in prayer, and she asked if there was anything she could do I thanked her and told her that sometimes there is nothing that we can do so I am going to God in prayer about it and I know that if I am to have relief then I will. I am also telling anyone who reads this that I trust God's will completely and that I know that He can and will take away this pain, fog and nausea according to His will and I give Him thanks for it. He has in the past completely taken away pain in other areas of my body immediately like the blind mam was able to see immediately. These were for the ability to accomplish things that I would otherwise not be able to accomplish. So I know that He will do whatever needs to be done for me to be able to accomplish whatever it is He would accomplish through this situation again today. Thank you Lord for you word and the reminder of Your sovereignty and omniscience. I fully trust in You and thank You for every inch of healing You grant me. Partial or complete. Instantaneous or gradual. May Your will be done.

1 Thessalonians 5:16 Always be joyful. 17 Never stop praying. 18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

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Denise Baker
Denise Baker

Thank you, Toni. ❤️🙏💪

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