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May 29, 2024 -Light You Path For Me Lord

2 Samuel 14:1-15:22

John 18:1-24

Psalm 119:97-112

Proverbs 16:8-9

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp for my feet,

    a light on my path.

Proverbs 16:9 In their hearts humans plan their course,

    but the Lord establishes their steps.

Common memory verses worth having in your arsenal. When you feel lost, like you are wondering in darkness remembering that the Word of God is a light to your path can remind you to open the Bible. Do it with a heart seeking the true path that you are to be on according to God's will. Often times our plans are not the path we are to be on. It may be what we desire in our hearts but the plans of our hearts are often flawed by our own sinful desires. Trust the Lord to establish your steps and He will not only light the path but keep you on the right one.

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