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May 5, 2024 - In Spirt and Truth

Judges 21:1-Ruth 1:22

John 4:4-42

Psalm 105:1-15

Proverbs 14:25

John 4:23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

The kinds of worshipers the Father seeks are those who worship in Spirit and in truth. I wanted to think a little more on this.

Worship in Spirit. God is Spirit. The Spirit is in us so we have access to God Himself. When we worship we need to tap into that. The Spirit should lead our worship. Worship should not be just going through the motions of prayer, praise, liturgy and study. Jesus is saying all the rules of where to worship and how to worship that the Jews focused on is not what matters. The same applies to us. If you are going through the motions without allowing the Spirit to lead you in your worship you are not worshiping in the Spirit. When we are worshiping in the Spirit it was help us to also worship in truth.

Jesus is truth. He said He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. The Word of God is truth. The truth is that Jesus is who He says He is. So to worship in truth we need to acknowledge and affirm that Jesus is God who came in flesh to live the perfect life we cannot live and die the death that we deserve. He died was buried and rose from the dead so that we can be restored in our relationship with God. We need to recognize the sin in our lives and in truth acknowledge them and confess them in agreement with God. If we are entering into worship holding onto any lies and denying any of the truths of God we cannot truly worship. However, if you worship in Spirit by giving Him free reign to our hearts, minds and souls He will put us on the path of Truth and reveal those things to us.

Worship should not be something we only do on Sunday mornings. It has different aspects. We have corporate worship that we do with the body of Christ. There is family worship which is something we share with those who are close to us, family and our close friends in the body of Christ. And there is private worship that is just between us and God. We should be participating in all these aspects of worship. In each of these times of worship start by inviting the Sprit of God into your worship. Ask Him to direct your worship and speak to your heart, mind and soul. Then let Him do it. Don't think about what anyone else might think. Because all that matters is what God thinks. Ask Him to reveal truth to you. The truth of who Father, Son and Spirit are that you might praise Him in truth. Truth of how each one is part of or not part of your life. Truth about all that you have to thank Him for. Truth about your sins. Ask Him to give you ears to hear, eyes to see and a heart to understand His word and the teaching that is part of your worship time.

Worship in Spirit and truth. Be the kind of worshiper that the Father seeks.

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