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  • brooks16055

May 6, 2024 - The Blessing

Ruth 2:1-4:22

John 4:43-54

Psalm 105:16-36

Proverbs 14:26-27

Ruth 2:12 May the Lord repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge."

Boaz just finds out about Ruth and hears of the virtuous woman she is and all that she has done for Naomi and he blesses her. Imagine if every time we met someone for the first time we would bless them. I am sitting in a tiny restaurant right now with a man who eats here every day. I'm gonna try it out. I will let you know how it goes.

Okay, I'm home now. I stopped there to eat on a whim. At least I thought it was on a whim. The place was full. The only empty table was a large table. They told me I could sit there but I said I didn't want to take up such a big table when it is so busy. This man older gentleman was sitting by the door and said you can sit here with me if you want. I thanked him and sat down. I had prayed for God to give me an opportunity to encourage someone there. I was thinking about the waitress. But we talked while we waited for the food. I asked him about his life and he shared freely. He lives alone after. His children live in Colorado. Where he moved from when his wife left him for someone she met on the internet. When his food came I let him eat and I opened my computer to try to start this post. After I wrote the above I waited till he was finished eating and he paid his bill. I asked him if I could bless him. He said of course "I could always use some blessing". I prayed a blessing over him and then my food came. While I ate he sat with me and asked me what I thought about some biblical and spiritual things and shared his thoughts. It felt like he was searching for truth and some of the places he was looking for truth seemed a little radical to me. Then he said that he was going to a Methodist church and he wasn't sure he could keep going to because the teaching coming from their council is not what he can support. I told him about our church splitting for the same reason. He sounded like he was wandering and needed a direction, so I also shared with him that the church I go to at camp is a strong bible preaching and teaching church that I never fail to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit at. It is not far from him and he said he thinks maybe he should check it out because he has been looking for that for a long time. When I finished he thanked me for sitting with him and talking with him. I expect I will see him in church the next time I go.

Thanks for the example Boaz! And thank you Lord for the impulse to stop to eat. You always amaze me.

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