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  • brooks16055

September 12, 2024 -Peace Please

Isaiah 10:1-11:6

2 Corinthians 12:11-21

Psalm 56:1-13

Proverbs 23:6-8

Reading all done but nothing really caught my attention. It may be because I am distracted and overly busy the last couple of days.

Lord please make my heart and mind calm. Remind me that my time with you is more important and more healing than anything else I may do and give me peace.

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6 days ago

12 I am under vows to you, my God;

I will present my thank offerings to you.

When time is short and the list is long, I lift up thanks to our mighty God, drink from the grace He promises until I can return to my peaceful meditations with Him.

I lift praise and thanks throughout my day, as I move about, until I can rest in His truths.

Because I drink often from His living waters, I am sustained.

6 days ago
Replying to

This too. Wait till you read tomorrow's post

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